Assassinations in Jiguamiandó, paramilitary presence, and coca-leaf planting in Curvaradó
Edward and Eder Agamez were assassinated by paramilitaries in Jiguamiandó, new forced displacements, persistent paramilitary presence, and coca-leaf cultivation and processing laboratories... Leer mas
Forced displacements in Jiguamiandó
Today in the morning, because of paramilitary operations in the work areas of members of the community council of Bella Flor Remacho,... Leer mas
Two people assassinated by paramilitaries in Jiguamiandó
Yesterday, sometime after 7:30 p.m., the bodies of two youths killed by paramilitaries in Jiguamiandó were left in front of the Caño... Leer mas
Increase in coca planting and business aggression agresiones empresariales
Business aggression against Afro-Colombians and Indigenous: New destruction of subsistence crops of the inhabitants of the community council of Caracolí in Curvaradó,... Leer mas
Colombian paramilitaries growing large scale coca plantations with tacit support from 17th Brigade
In the midst of the military control that the 17th brigade claims to have established in Curbaradó Jiguamiandó, the planting of coca... Leer mas
Little by little displacement continues
Paramilitary operations produce another forced displacement in Curvaradó.
Asesinado otro familiar de Manuel Garcés
El cuerpo sin vida del afrocolombiano Misael Garcés Panameño fue encontrado ayer viernes a cinco minutos del casco urbano de López de... Leer mas
Continúa o no el paraempresariado en Curbaradó?
A pesar de investigaciones judiciales que vinculan a multinacionales con paramilitares la impunidad continua, permitiendo que la siembra de banano, palma, coca,... Leer mas
Asesinado primo del candidato a la alcaldía de López Micay
Gabriel García Cortés fue asesinado con arma de fuego en el municipio de López de Micay en la noche de ayer domingo.... Leer mas
Continúa avanzando el proyecto paramilitar en Jiguamiandó
Integrantes de consejos comunitarios de Jiguamiandó han sido objeto de intimidaciones y amenazas paramilitares.