Jani y Luz Marina

Before the illegal military intelligence against our leaders Luz Marina and Jani Rita witness protection and urgent evidence


Before the illegal military intelligence against our leaders Luz Marina and Jani Rita witness protection and urgent evidence


May 10, 2020

Today a greeting to all women who have conceived life, who have always given light from love to multiple projects of freedom, peace, and justice among the dark by violence and persecution of which we remain victims, despite the signing of a peace agreement, thanks to all mothers.

Special greetings to our leaders Luz Marina Cuchumbe and Jani Rita Silva victims of the illegal operations of the so-called intelligence of the military forces. To them much strength, wisdom and tranquility in this time when they represent us as a sign of persecution for asserting peace with social and environmental justice. You women count on the help us. You are the manifestation of our courage and our bravery. Thank you.

A tribute to all the women murdered since the signing of the Agreement between the government and the FARC EP, in particular our cheerful Emilsen Mayoma and Doris Valenzuela.We salute their children and all the orphans of our many armed wars and exclusion.

We salute the living or dead mothers of the military, paramilitaries, guerrillas, criminal groups, urban gangs and all former combatants, of entrepreneurs despoilers and destroyers the environment, so that honoring the love of origin we build a fraternal and just country.

We thank the witnesses who a few days ago overcame fear and reported on the illegal operations against our leaders Luz Marins and Jani Rita and human rights defenders the priest Alberto Franco and Danilo Rueda of Colombian Interecclesial Commission for Justice and Peace. The witnesses said that there are many more leaders of our processes who suffered from espionage.as well as those of the Justice and Peace Commission, journalists from Contagio Radio and other human rights and peace organizations. It’s all in databases, that possibly from last Monday to today have been moved or deleted as happened with the records of now extinct DAS.

Today we continue to experience new forms of repression and states of exception with these espionages that continue. All this has come qualifiedly since 2002.

We want to invite you to support the protection of witnesses and evidence, these preventive measures are urgent, while it is possible to transform fundamental issues.

We urgently request:

1) Writing to Senator Leahy of the Democratic Party of States requires President Duque to report in detail on the use of United States resources in intelligence operations from 2002 to today, with names of those responsible for executing them. https://www.leahy.senate.gov/

2) Write on behalf of our victimized processes to the Special Jurisdiction of Peace, JEP, info@jep.gov.co requesting protection for several witnesses and their families, as well as the evidence they have in their possession.
Justice has never clarified or sanctioned the illegal intelligence carried out by the Charry Solano battalion, XX Brigade and other instances as shown in the report presented by the Colombia Europe Coordination, the José Álvear Restrepo Lawyers Collective and the Inter-Church Justice Commission and Paz, on February 7, 2020, to the Special Jurisdiction of Peace, JEP.

3) Write to the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, CEV, info@comisiondelaverdad.co with the due protection, listen to the witnesses and adopt all the measures available to them for their protection and that of the evidence.

We await copies of your letters sent to our email: RedComunidades@protonmail.com.


-Autodetermination Communities, Life, Dignity, CAVIDA, Cacarica Collective Territory, (Chocó).

-Families of camp victims (Antioquia)

-Association of Displaced Women of Ríosucio, CLAMORES, (Chocó).

-Jiguamiandó Humanitarian Zones and Biodiversity Zones (Chocó)

Cabildo Mayor Embera de Resguardo Urada Jiguamiando, CAMERUJ, (Chocó).

-Wounaan Community of the Pichimá River Resguardo Ravine Displaced in Docordó, Litoral San Juan, (Chocó).

-Wounaan indigenous Zone of juin Phu Buur, Cacarica, (Chocó).

-Environmental Zone SO BIA DRUA, Jiguamiandó, (Chocó)

Cabildo Mayor Embera de Resguardo Urada Jiguamiando, CAMERUJ, (Chocó).

-Wounaan Community of the Pichimá River Resguardo Quebrada displaced in Docordó, Litoral San Juan, (Chocó).

-Wounaan Indigenous Zone of juin Phu Buur, Cacarica, (Chocó).

-Environmental Zone SO BIA DRUA, Jiguamiandó, (Chocó).

-La Yulina Biodiversity Zone, Curbaradó Collective Territory, (Chocó). 

-Wounaan Community of the Pichimá River Resguardo Quebrada displaced in Docordó, Litoral San Juan, (Chocó).

-Wounaan indigenous reserve of juin Phu Buur, Cacarica, (Chocó).

-Environmental Zone SO BIA DRUA, Jiguamiandó, (Chocó).

-La Yulina Biodiversity Zone, Curbaradó Collective Territory, (Chocó).

– El Hobo Biodiversity Zone, Collective Territory of Jiguamiandó, (Chocó).

-El Retorno Biodiversity Zone, Collective Territory of Pedeguita y mancilla, (Chocó).

-La Esperanza Biodiversity Area, Polo Family, Collective Territory of Pedeguita and mancilla, (Chocó).

-Mary Hernandez Biodiversity Area, Collective Territory of Pedeguita y mancilla, (Chocó).

 -My land (Mi Tierra) Biodiversity Area, Pedeguita and Manilla Collective Territory, (Chocó).

-Area of Biodiversity Andalucia, Collective Territory of Curbaradó, (Chocó).

-Caracolí Biodiversity Zone, Curbaradó Collective Territory, (Chocó).

-La Madre Union Biodiversity Area, Collective Territory of La Larga Tumaradó, (Chocó).

-Camellian Humanitarian Zone, Collective Territory of Curbaradó, (Chocó).

– Pueblo Nuevo Humanitarian Zone, Collective Territory of Jiguamiandó, (Chocó).

– Association of victims of Inzá,” sowers of peace”, (Cauca)

-Costa Azul Humanitarian Zone, Curbaradó Collective Territory, (Chocó).

-Humanitarian Zone Andalucia, Collective Territory of Curbaradó, (Chocó).

-Association of Women Displaced from Meta, ASOMUDEM.

-Association of Women Victims United for Peace, (AMVUPAZ), La Uribe, and (Meta).

-Association of victims of the conflict united by peace, distance, (Meta).

-Civil Community of Life and Peace – CIVIPAZ, El Castillo, (Meta).

-Network of Women of Vistahermosa, (Meta).

– Indigenous reservation, resguardo Naexal Lajt of the people

– Corporation peasant Women of Nariño, (Comucan)

-Network of Women sidewalk vereda la Y, Puerto Rico, (Meta).

– Network water defense life and territory (Cauca)

– Group of victims from the south of Huila

– Families Community Councils Tumaco, Nariño.

-Aguirre family, victim of massacre of Rivera councillors, (Huila).

-ADISPA as representative organization of the 24 Communities of the Peasant Reserve Zone Amazon Pearl (Putumayo):

-Community of Agualongo.

-Community of Lower Cuembí.

-Community of Lower Lorenzo.

-Community of Lower Mansoyá.

-Community of Baldío

– Community of Belén.

– Community of Bocana de Cuembí.

-Community of Buen Samaritano.

-Community of Camios.

-The community of Angosturas.

-Community of Chufiyá.

-Community of Comandante.

-Community of Frontera.

-Community of Guadalupe.

-Community of Juvenil.

– Community of La Alea.

-Community of La Española.

-Community of La Piña.

-Community of La Rosa.

-Community of Puerto Playa.

-Community of San Salvador.

-Community of Sevilla.

-Community of Toaya.

-Community of Zamora.

– Indigenous high town council, Sinaí, Villa Garzón.

– Indigenous high town council, Suspisacha, Piamonte.

-Indigenous town council,Cerro de Guadua, Puerto Guzmán.

-Indigenous town council Çxhab Wala, Villagarzon.

-Indigenous town council, Juan Tama, Puerto Guzman.

-Indigenous town council, Kiwe Nxusxa, Las Delicias.

-Indigenous town council, Kiwe U’kwe, Puerto Caicedo.

-Indigenous town council, Kiwe U’se, Nueva Palestina, Valle del Guamuéz.

-Indigenous town council, Kiwe Zxiçxkwe, Tierra Linda, Valle del Guamuéz.

-Indigenous town council, Kjwen Tama Luuçxwe’sx, hijos de Juan Tama, Mocoa.

-Indigenous town council Ksxa’w Nasa, Alto Danubio, Puerto Asís.

-Indigenous town council Kwe’sx Kiwe, Orito.

-Indigenous town council Kwe’sx Kiwe. Puerto Asís.

-Indigenous town council Kwe’sx Nasa çxayu’çe, Alto Coqueto, Puerto Caicedo.

-Indigenous town council Kwe’sx Tata Wala, Puerto Caicedo.

-Indigenous town council Nasa Kiwe Puerto Leguizamo.

-Indigenous town council Nasa Tkuymatewe’sx, Orito.

-Indigenous town council Nasa Fxi’w La Libertad, Puerto Asís.

-Indigenous town council Pkid Kiwe, Los Guayabales.

-Indigenous town council Sat’t Tama, Puerto Asís.

-Indigenous town council Thä’ Tadx Kiwe, Loma Redonda, Villa Garzón.

-Indigenous town council Yu’ Çxihme, El Libano, Puerto Caicedo.

-Indigenous town council Yu’kh Zxiçxkwe, Selva Hermosa, Puerto Caicedo.

-Indigenous town council Yu’luuçx, Las Minas, Puerto Asís.

-Jerusalén town, Villa Garzón.

-Indigenous town Mühm Kiwe, Los Guaduales, Puerto Guzmán.

-Indigenous town Jerusalén San Luis Alto Picudito.

-Indigenous town Jxkase Kiwe, El Descanso, Puerto Guzmán.

-Indigenous town La Florida, Mocoa.

-Indigenous town Nasa Çxhab, Puerto Asís.

-Indigenous town Kiwnas Çxhab, Alto Lorenzo, Puerto Asís.

 -Nasa Indigenous town Uh Los Gavilanes, Jardines de Sucumbíos town, Ipiales

-Indigenous town Sek Kaanxi thä’ Kiwe   Alpes OrientalesTown, La Floresta, Alto Coqueto.

-Indigenous town Txitx U’kwe Kiwe, Town Porvenir La Barrialosa town, Puerto Guzmán.

 -Indigenous town Yu’ukwe Kiwe, Aguaditas, Puerto Guzmán.

-San Luis Alto Picudito town, Villa Garzón.

-Santa Rosa de Juanambu town , Villa Garzón.

– Association families victims of Trujillo (Asfavit), (Valle del Cauca).

-Asokoinonia de Río Chiquito town, Trujillo (Valle del Cauca).

-Community Council of Cabeceras, Bajo San Juan, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Zone Puente Nayero, Buenaventura, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Indigenous town Santa Rosa de Guayacán, Calima, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Indigenous town and Biodiversity Unión Agua Clara (Valle del Cauca).          

-Central Women’s Committee of the Association for Sustainable Integral Development -ADISPA- “My Name is Amazon Pearl Woman” MEMPA, (Putumayo).

-Youth Roots of Dignity Amazon Pearl – JURADIPA, (Putumayo).

-Integral cooperative of women and men agricultural entrepreneurs victims of the armed conflict in the municipality of Trujillo, CIMEVAT, (Valle del Cauca).

-Agroecological Association Esther Cayapu, ASOESCA, La Sonora, Trujillo (Valle del Cauca).

-Association of Agricultural Families with land restored in Colombia, AFAREC, La Sonora, Trujillo, (Valle del Cauca).

Community Council of cabeceras, Bajo San Juan, (Valle del Cauca).

 -Community Council La Esperanza, Buenaventura, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Zone neighborhood La playita, Buenaventura, (Valle del Cauca).

-Families victims kidnapping and murder deputies, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Zone Santa Rosa de Guayacá, Calima, (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian and biodiverse Zone Unión Agua Clara (Valle del Cauca).

-Humanitarian Zone and biodiverse Union San Juan de Puerto Pizario. Litoral San Juan, (Valle del Cauca).

-Indigenous Zone of Puerto Guadualito, Puerto Pizario, Litoral San Juan, (Valle del Cauca).

-Zone ancient town Wounaan Córdoba, Buenaventura, (Valle del Cauca).

The signatures continue…

Antioquia, Cauca, Chocó, Dever, Meta, Putumayo, Valle del Cauca


We are in our territories without reply to our letters of March 18

(https://www.justiciaypazcolombia.com/carta-abierta-2-llamado-al-presidente-duque-maximo-comandante-ffmm/) and 9 April (https://www.justiciaypazcolombia.com/2da-carta-abierta- salud-alimentacion-agua-urgente-y-respuesta-a-acuerdo-humanitario-globalcovid19/)

We are at risk of COVID19 for the continuity of military operations, many of them protecting private companies with which they have signed agreements, or tolerant with operations of paramilitary type, business operations without any kind of preventive measure, continuing dispossession and environmental damage.

President Duque remains committed to forced eradication without any preventive measures by COVID19 and fumigation with glyphosate.

Today we continue to call for a halt to the various forms of military and economic warfare. That is why we regret that the ELN, with its reasons, has decided to cease the unilateral cessation.

Yet we still hope that the pandemic and the consequences that are being seen and are coming to our country will allow us all, including businessmen and all regular and irregular armed expressions, think about the possibility of building another country in search of social and environmental justice.