Threats against leader of restitution

Mario Castaño and his family found themselves obligated to leave the village Florida, collective territory of Pedeguita Mansilla, after men tried to enter violently into their home at sunrise yesterday.

Castaño, husband and father of two children, member of the Community Council, forms part of the witness stand in a trial against cattle ranchers, palm and banana entrepreneurs.

Up to this moment, the family Castaño has not been attended by the National Protection Union.

Yesterday in the afternoon, the workers of the businessmen Luis Felipe Molano evicted cattle and buffalos of the occupied land in Caño Manso, Curvaradó and San Andrés, Pedeguita Mansilla.

As it appears, the cattle has been moved to the village Llano Rico, Curvaradó.

The ex military and businessmen Molano is not linked to any judicial investigation even though the lands on which he settled his cattle forms part of the appropriated areas of the paramilitaries Castaño Gil and Sor Teresa Gómez.

The communitarian lands were converted into two farms by the entrepreneurs:
Villa Alejandra and Villa Alejandra 2.

Bogotá D.C. 25th of October, 2013

Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz